Greater Victoria Police Diversity Advisory Committee

 The Greater Victoria Police Diversity Advisory Committee (GVPDAC) was formed in 2001. The GVPDAC is comprised of police representatives and diverse community representatives from the Greater Victoria region of British Columbia, Canada.

The GVPDAC seeks to create positive relationships and improve understanding between police and the community. The GVPDAC brings together representatives of Greater Victoria's diverse communities and the municipal police departments and RCMP detachments, for the purposes of:

  • fostering trust

  • improving communication

  • building understanding around issues of mutual concern

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Activities of the GVPDAC include:

  • hosting regular meetings with police and community members

  • organizing public information and education events with police and community members

  • promoting outreach and community engagement events with police and the public

  • informing and updating the region's police chiefs of the GVPDAC activities and identifying potential issues of concern

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